무료 통계학 책(eBook) - KJT's Blog

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무료 통계학 책(eBook)

  • 통계학 입문, 응용, 머신러닝, 데이터마이닝, R 등 통계 분야 책들을 무료로 다운받을 수 있는 링크를 소개한다.
  • 2013년도에 어떤 분이 정리한 내용이며, 그 분의 블로그에 가면 각 책들에 대한 간단한 설명도 확인할 수 있다.

    1. Illowsky, B., and Dean, S. Collaborative Statistics
    2. Diez, D., Barr, C., and Çetinkaya-Rundel, M. OpenIntro Statistics (2nd Edition)
    3. Downey, A. B. Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers
    4. Yakir, B. Introduction to Statistical Thinking
    5. Shafer, D., and Zhang, Z. Introductory Statistics
    6. Lavine, M. (2013). Introduction to Statistical Thought
    7. Faraway, J. J. Practical Regression and Anova using R
    8. Hyndman, R. J. and Athanasopoulos, G. Forecasting: Principles and Practice
    9. Grinstead, C., and Snell, J. L. Introduction to Probability. American Mathematical Society
    10. Downey, A. B. Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple. Needham, MA: Green Tea Press
    11. Coghlan, A. A Little Book of R For Time Series
    12. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., and Friedman, J. Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction (2nd Edition) New York: Springer
    13. Barber, D. Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    14. Zoran Obradovic, PhD, Big Data
    15. CRAN (R), https://cran.r-project.org
    16. Burns, P. The R Inferno
    17. 전희원 R 기반의 데이터 시각화


    1. https://wsyang.com/2013/08/free-ebooks-for-statistics/

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